I was always around 130-140 pounds my adult life, until I had my daughter. She was almost 4 years old, but I still weighed the same weight as when I was 9 months pregnant – 190 pounds. I thought, well, this is my life now and I was ok with it. I was also working too many hours and just never seemed to have any time left to take care of myself. Five months ago, I was actually trying to talk someone else into hiring a personal trainer because they were very unhappy with their weight. This got me thinking and I realized my daughter will have no pictures of me, because I refused to take any pictures due to not liking how I looked. That made me very sad and I thought why am I not listening to my own advice. I googled Long Island’s #1 trainer and Mike’s website came up. As soon as I met him, I knew I could trust him 100% and that he wanted me to succeed. I listened to everything he told me to do, how to workout and what to eat and this resulted in me losing 60 pounds in 5 months. I was really surprised that I didn’t have to wait longer to feel better. Every single day, from day one, I felt the difference. The weight loss also had so many other benefits though. For as long as I can remember back to my early 20’s I’ve had knee pain, especially walking up and down the stairs. Doctors told me I had degenerative joint disease. I’ve noticed since working with Mike the pain has reduced when I used the stairs. Little by little the pain has disappeared completely. Another issue I used to have prior to working with Mike was my left thigh would go numb for the past five years since I was 6 months pregnant. I would also get shooting burning pain suddenly, so bad it’d wake me up in the middle of the night. I was told by doctors that pregnancy weight gain and the baby probably shifted or damaged a nerve and that feeling may or may not come back. Guess what - after 6 months with Mike, no more burning, no more shooting pains and the numbness has subsided. I have more energy, more ambition, more confidence, but most importantly, my daughter has a happier and healthier mom that is no longer embarrassed to be in a photograph. Mike’s changed every part of my life for the better and I’ll be forever grateful for that. One of the things I love most about Mike is his honesty. I thought I was giving him reasons for me being overweight, but he made me see I was giving him excuses. He told me I sounded like a victim. He was right and I didn't want to sound like that. I didn't even realize that I sounded like that. He told me the truth I needed to hear. So now, when I think of my life and how it was before Mike Lynch was in it and how it is after with Mike Lynch in it I can say with 100% certainty I’m never going back to the way my life was before.