Michael Buchholtz, M.D. & Mary Uricchio, M.D.
My family has been working with Mike Lynch for over 5 years now; this includes my teenage daughter and son, my wife, and myself. Mike is outstanding in that he brings a total commitment to all aspects of his clients’ health. Mike is not just a personal trainer. His knowledge of nutrition and exercise physiology is very sophisticated, and he incorporates this with a personalized exercise regimen to build a comprehensive health program tailored to each client. As doctors, my wife and I have tried to instill our children with an understanding of the importance of diet and exercise, but it is Mike who has been most instrumental in getting them to adopt a healthy lifestyle. They will carry this knowledge with them into their adulthood, and they will someday pass this along to their own children. Working with Mike Lynch can and will change your life. Michael Buchholtz, M.D. Mary Uricchio, M.D.